Sunday, June 1, 2008

Today I am not feeling so good...

Gosh... How I wish it weren't Sunday... Then I could have the pharmacy call in a new prescription of Tramadol. But it is and I can't. I have already taken 4 Excederin... And that hasn't helped... Seriously my head and neck feel like they are going to explode from the tension. I just want some relief!!! I am going to go ahead and call the pharmacy to put a call into the dr. tomorrow morning. I want to be prepared!!!


my life said...

Have you had surgery yet?

tgail said...

I hope you have a better day tomorrow! I am interviewing for a position as a caregiver for a lady who has this problem and I have to ask you: Is there any therapy that helps the pain.. like trigger point therapy/myotherapy. I very likely sound stupid to you, but I had never heard of Arnold Chiari Malformation until two days ago and I hope to learn something here.

Thanks and God Bless you!